We want YOU!

Imagine, for a moment, both of these scenarios...

  1. You’ve Googled us extensively. You’ve read the blog posts. You follow our Instagram. You’ve even combed our social media tags. And still-- you’re daydreaming about what it might be like to visit, or maybe even live in the Alaskan Arctic.

  2. Or, you’ve already come to visit, and you loved your time here. You posted photos, told your friends and family about your trip, and even have Sukakpak set as your computer background. In fact, some might say, you haven’t been able to stop thinking about the Arctic since.

Sound familiar? If we’re literally describing you right now:

First of all, we’re flattered. Second of all, we’ve got great news: we have open positions at each of our camps for the upcoming season for responsible, friendly, and adventurous coworkers.

Here are the details and the application.

Let’s talk. The extreme Arctic might just be your next adventure!